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Being disconnected from the world via technology is an odd thing. The day prior, I had lost my phone in the Mississippi River, you can read about it in my article " Mississippi River: Kleptomaniac ". I found myself reaching for, and attempting to check, my phone a scary number of times. Like I was an amputee that still had sensations as if my appendage was still attached. After I came to this realization, I found the situation freeing. Just silence, like when I was a kid. No connections, just life. Though, I'll admit, driving home the night before in the dark of rural Wisconsin was a bit tense. Should I hit a deer, I could go without seeing another car for hours. Don't get me wrong, I love what technology has brought to our lives. Especially what it does for the fishing community. It allows me to connect, communicate, and compete with anglers all over the world. Social media allows the communication and connections. The app Drophook allows like-minde