The Secret to Froggin'

In this rat race we call life, there is no hesitation. High-paced, instant gratification, fast delivery, instant answers via Siri or Google, there is no delay. Well, the secret to fishing? Patience, slow-it-down, hesitation. Especially when it comes to frogging. I constantly hear from fellow fisherman, "I hate frogging because I have a hard time with hookups!". Yet they keep at it. Why???? The huge topwater blowups. They are the heroin of the recreational/tournament fishing industry. I've read many-a-articles about frog fishing. I, as do many anglers, love the topwater blowups. I've spend hours refining my frog-game. I'm about to share with you the deep-dark secrets of frog fishing. For the real-world. Without lure sponsors. Without a fancy $70,000 bass boat. Pay attention, because I'm revealing my secrets. Disclaimer: I am not sponsored by any lure company. My favorite frogs ar...