Last Hoorah
Paddling goodbye to my last kayak sunset of 2016 After the terrible bite during our last trip, a group of us kayaking buddies decided to plan one last hoorah for the season. This time at a lake where we never get skunked (though sometimes that means landing only dink bass and pike). But we want to end the season on a good note and with slime on our kayaks. My Home Boss (wife) authorized this last full-day hoorah with the agreement I would put the kayaks away for the season the next day (in her defense I was tournament fishing HARD the last few months). I offered the barter as my body was battered and tired from the countless hours on the water pushing myself in the KBF tournaments. The frigid temperatures only made my aches and pains worse, I needed time to recover before ice fishing season. The evening temperatures in Northern Wisconsin has been dropping into the teens and 20s. With the time change, we opt to meet at 8 AM to mitigate numb finge...