The 4 Most Essential Kayak Tools to Never Leave Home Without!
Now you probably read that title and thought...only 4?! There are so many more essential items than just 4 and yes I would agree. A couple that came to your mind was probably fishing gear, snacks, bump board, and the dreaded tournament identifier. Now I forget those a lot of the time but they don't make my essential 4 list. To be honest it's more like an essential 10 list but if I had to boil it down to 4, this would be the 4 top items that I would not leave the boat ramp without...side note, this doesn't include the recommended safety precautions (PFD, light when needed, whistle, etc...) those are essential they are mandatory! Now let's get started! 1. The first essential item on my list is a Sharpie marker. If you ever see me at the ramp I usually have access to about 3 (pocket, in yak, and in the truck). They can be used for many different things out on the water! It is great for last minute additions to your tournament ID and touching up on your bump board.