Making Your Own Path in the Fishing Industry

The sport of fishing as we know it continues to grow exponentially. Fly fishing, bank fishing, float tubes, jon boats, kayaks, canoes, bass boats, paddle boats, arm floaties, pontoons, mom and dad's speed boat, decked-out bass boats, etc. As the vessels and technologies of each advance, we see the sport continually evolving. Beyond the type of vessel/method you use, our sport has evolved even further. We have tournament fishing, leisure fishing, fishing-when-the-wife/husband-lets-me, guiding, social media fishing. Tournament fishing is spreading like wildfire (in a good way) thanks to technology, such as TourneyX . The social media fishing scene also evolves constantly. Prostaff applications now ask for your YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, blog, website, and related information. Some choose to use all of these platforms, some focus on one and supplement with another. I focus on the blog/writing and Facebook, using YouTube and In...