What are you thankful for?

I have always loved fishing, ever since my dad put the new Zebco 202 in my hand around the age of 7. I remember the times spent in that old olive green boat on the cranberry marshes of central Wisconsin. There was a gap in my fishing for many years. I still went out, but not as often. This was mostly due to where I was living, but also because life was happening (full time job while attending full time college, a baby, etc, etc, etc.). Fast forward to four years ago when my family moved 1 mile from an amazing fishery. My father-in-law gave me his 12' flat bottom jon boat to use in the small reservoir. It was a perfect fishing vessel and landed several respectable bass. The following year I started getting a bit more serious, spending more time on the water and jumping into a baitcaster. I was having fun, but was spending a lot more time working and doing other things. Now fast forward to last winter, when my perspective on everything, espe...