KBF National Championship Recap

Man things are finally starting to settle down again. Even though KBF NC was a few weeks ago things are just now beginning to go back to normal, just in time to pack up and head to Michigan in a couple weeks... Any ways the Kayak Bass Fishing National Championship and Open was one heck of a good time! I got to meet so many new people and hang out with some great friends from my personal club, Kayak Bass League. Plus I got to fish one of the best bass fishing lakes in the nation, Kentucky Lake. Captains Meeting In case of the odd chance that you have never heard of Ky Lake...this place is huge. Just think to go from the North end of the lake to Paris, Tn (weigh in location) was over an hour and a half drive....definitely don't want to paddle that! I spent a whole week down there hanging with friends and of course fishing! While practice had its ups and downs, I was having a great time! Throughout the week we had rain, hail, wind and sun cau...